My music
I like all things of music in general but I have some preferences . The music I like most is of course old Moroccan classical music to which I am accustomed at home since my childhood . Apart from that I prefer listening to rap music ,especially that of the three following singers called : "lartiste","l'algerino"and "jul". Lartiste and l'algerino are French from Moroccan and Algerian origins and they sing in France and Arabic at the same time , jul is French and sings in French . I like their tempo and the percussions . I like their voices which are at the same time sweet and hitting . The themes they close for their songs are at the same Time sentimental and modern . As they are young they also sing about the problems of the youth today . Their music is entertaining and very appreciated all over the world .
Songs I prefer from jul are "tchikita" , "mon bijou", "j'oublie tout" . From lartiste I prefer "maestro " , "ciao amigo " and "amour parano" and the songs I prefer from Algerino are "si tu savais " , "banderas" and "Panama " . And you , what do you think about this king of music ?